How to be a hairstylist?

To get licensed as a stylist, most states require you to be at least 16 years old, have a high school diploma or GED, and complete a state-licensed cosmetology program. It's important to check the licensing requirements in your state before selecting a school to complete your training. Some state cosmetology and barbering boards offer apprenticeship programs for those who want to gain early practical experience in the field. Students can often apply when they turn 16. After completing their apprenticeship and having reached the number of training hours required for their specialty, they are eligible to sit for the licensing exam.

American Association of Cosmetology Schools The AACS was founded in 1924 to support cosmetology students and schools in education and politics, elevating the industry as a whole. The organization provides relevant industry news, helps educators stay abreast of teaching practices and regulations, connects students to schools, hosts contests, offers scholarships, and more.

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